I had to pay close attention to the different lifestyles that were different, and not attempt to simplify or express one set of experience for a different group. Assumptions and idealizations about sex, power relations, political issues, and other facets of our society can be pernicious if they become a bit too safe or complacent to a certain group of people. Most of the time, this was the same person, but not always.

But always, I had to keep in mind whom I was writing for, and what I could and could not assume they knew. Some of the suggestions were troublesome, and it became a lot of I-just-need-to-do-it-my-way.

I knew that the advice was good, but it tried to pigeonhole me in a certain way. All in all, there were quite a few people who gave me advice on how to write a comedic/satirical cookbook. This included a number of women who were both just beginning their journey of drug and pro-queer politics and veterans and old timers who helped me write the book that you see today. Most of the people that I felt were similar to me and that I had a lot in common with. Through Twitter, I reached out to an incredible number of people that I knew from the Sonic Free Radical Project and published by the same original authors. The Edition Project is one of the last texts to be ignored/discarded as 'just a joke'. It has been a long time coming, but this is the real thing. I'm thrilled to finally release my most brilliant work yet. But then I get to the point where I finally realize that I can no longer stall to restart the process because I have so much to do. I get quite bored sometimes simply using the text to track down the various entries of Ala, Lois and Gorgon. I admit to occasionally being tired of my task and having to manually index all of the aliases. Though I continue to expand my horizons using new techniques that I am discovering, and am continuing to write the book that only I know will come out of my characters. I've had to satisfy a number of demands, and my patience has been sorely tried. Releasing this edition has been a long endeavor for me.